NO money click ads cash link daily
Traffic Hurricane Earning Strategy?Follow the below steps for making the most of your rev share earnings!1. Buy as many ad packs as you can safelyafford.
Do not spend your grocery or rent money on ad packs!
2. Click your 10 ads a day in order to earn
Don’t forget to click your ads or you will not earn!
3. Use 100% of your earnings to purchase new ad packs.This will help you grow youraccount.
4. Wait until you are earning at least $100 daily before taking a weekly withdrawal.
**Rule of thumb for withdrawals. Take one withdrawal a week less than or equal to your sum total of earnings in one whole day.This means that if you are making $100 a day, you can take out $100 a week
.If you take more than this amount, your account will not grow and you will start to lose yourearning position.Don’t be too hasty in your withdrawals!
Patience is the key with any rev share.If you are not patient, don’t bother joining, because you will end up not making any money.
Is Traffic Hurricane a Ponzi Scheme?
Technically no, but in reality yes.That answer may seem confusing but bearwith me as I explain.
Traffic Hurricane pays you money from the sales of ad packs that are made after you.This means that your earnings depend on the future sale of new ad packs down the line. If these sales dry up, you will stop earning.